Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Read about the SSDVTF in the San Saba News & Star

Excellent article by Donna Webb, here.

Next Meeting

May 13, 2008
11:30, lunch
12-1, business meeting
VeeB's Restaurant, Hwy 16 North
San Saba, Texas

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

April Minutes

Minutes from San Saba Domestic Violence Taskforce

April 8, 2008

VeeB’s Restaurant, San Saba, TEXAS

The meeting was called to order at 12 noon. Eighteen persons were in attendance as follows: Byron Theodosis, Dee St. John, Sabrina Maultsby, Dora Miller, L. Allen Brown, Kathy Dixon, Leslie Dawson, Dee Vickery, Danna Smith, Brenna Troncoso, Lora Llenado, Charles Carter, Tonnie Robbins, Ross Cox, Sr., Donna Webb, Cathie Lehman, Andrea Moore and Georgia Harris.

After introductions were made, Ross Cox, Sr. read the minutes from March 12. A motion to approve the minutes was made by Ross Cox and seconded by Brenna. Old business discussed was a report from Brenna about going to the library to leave some literature about helping victims of domestic violence and information for immigrant victims of violence.

New business: Georgia told about a Criminal Justice Response Training that would be offered in Brownwood in May for free to anyone wishing to attend with TCLOSE hours and CEU’s. Brochures regarding training were handed out.

Georgia said that we had got permission from staff at the courthouse to change the poster near the Justice of the Peace’s Office. She invited anyone wishing to assist with that by way of suggestions for content to let her know. We hoped to be able to change it several times a year.

Brenna has agreed to co-author an article about the taskforce for the Legal Front, a magazine that comes out quarterly.

Cathie Lehman introduced special speaker, Andrea Moore. Mrs. Moore shared her story of her daughter, Rebecca who was killed at the hands of her husband 3 ½ years ago. Mrs. Moore shared a picture of her daughter and son and told how Rebecca had tried to help her husband, who was bi-polar and had mental health issues. He shot himself afterward. Mrs. Moore and her husband have adopted the little boy. After giving her moving story, the audience gave her a standing ovation.

Judge Theodosis read the proclamation declaring April 13-19 as Crime Victim Awareness Week.

Georgia handed out certificates to legal advocates, crime victim coordinators, law enforcement, county and district attorneys, and victim advocates honoring them for their outstanding service on behalf of victims of crime.

The meeting adjourned at 1:10pm.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Photos of April Meeting

In order of appearance:

Georgia Harris, welcoming remarks, business portion of meeting;
Cathie Lehman introducing our speaker;
Our speaker, Andrea; Judge Byron Theodosis issuing the proclamation.